Weekly Singing Protests

Thanks to all who have signed up online or come to Wednesday's real-life meeting of The Audacity!  We have 280 members signed up online and 90 folks came to our Wednesday meeting.  All this is in service of our group's mission, which is to deploy the arts to resist the bigotry, corruption and fascism of Donald Trump and his followers.  It's going to be a long effort, but we're already off the ground, with our first public action starting tomorrow, Saturday February 8 at Noon.

Weekly Singing Protests meet Every Saturday at Noon Starting February 8

As we announced in our meeting last week, our first weekly action starts tomorrow, Saturday February 8, as we assemble in Rockland at Chapman Park (the corner of Park & Main, next to the Walgreens) at Noon. Members of the protest singing group will teach protest songs to the assembled, and we will invite passing singers to teach us their songs of protest, and we will sing them all together, drawing passersby to us and spreading the word that public resistance has begun.

If you have information from an allied protest group, or if you're part of another working group in The Audacity and would like to get the word out about your group's work, please bring it (along with a hefty stone to keep it from blowing away).

Members of the button-making group, I'll be bringing the button-making supplies to Saturday's protest, along with some buttons and magnets to distribute.  Let's check in there.

Spread the Word!  Put out the message that every Saturday at noon until Trump is gone, we meet at the corner of Park and Main to sing our resistance.

Some social media-shareable pages:

Also, here's a graphic to include in your social media posts:

Joining a Working Group

In The Audacity, we organize by the principle that if enough people get together around an idea that’s within our mission, we’re going to do it. On that principle, we have blossomed up to 8 working groups, each with a core person who will be responsible for getting an email group going. These groups are:

  • Theater

  • Art-Making and Posters

  • The Audacity Protest Singers

  • Benefit Concert

  • Local Government

  • Fundraising

  • Buttons and Stickers

If you would like to join one of these working groups, please fill out and submit the form below”